Establishing the Foundations of a New Covenant People

Part 24 - Luke 6:12-16 (ESV) - Pastor Tim Kroeker

Acts 2:42 (NIV):

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” 

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As Americans we are blessed to live in a free country. Yet freedom has constraints. There are governing principles handed down to us by the Founding Fathers that provide the basis for our commonly shared life. In the Bible, covenants are arrangements that govern how God interacts with His people. The books of the Old Testament describe God’s dealings with His chosen people of Israel and include more than 600 commands prescribed by the Law of Moses. However, Jesus’ coming inaugurated a New Covenant which was then sealed in his blood, freeing us from both the condemnation and the requirements of that Old Covenant Law. However, freedom without restraints isn’t really freedom at all. As we continue reading in our salvation story Luke reveals the foundational governing principles for life under the New Covenant. This firm foundation provides the Christian with a solid footing to make decisions that conform to the will of God.


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