our mission

What We’re About

PassageWay Church exists to make disciples of all people.

PassageWay Bible Study Coffee

A disciple is someone who has entered into a radical, life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Disciples then begin to grow becoming more and more like Jesus.

This happens as we grow in our knowledge of Jesus through His word and then grow in obedience to that word. This growth happens in the context of relationships.

PassageWay Church Bible Study Couch


The discipleship process is driven by an ever increasing knowledge of Jesus.

We enter into a radical, life-changing relationship with Jesus when we come to know him through the proclamation of the gospel.

We then continually grow in our knowledge of Jesus and his will for our lives through the Bible. 

Mountain Walk PassageWay Church


As our knowledge of Jesus increases, his Spirit both convicts and empowers us to conform our lives more and more to his will.

Christian obedience is not mere adherence to an external moral code, but an inner life of submission to the Holy Spirit who produces his fruit in us.


This growth in knowledge and obedience takes place in the context of local church relationships.

No one can become more and more like Jesus on their own, separated from the church, which is the body of Christ. Not just the universal church, but a local church consisting of spiritual mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers who are physically present with us in the routines of life.

Join us in this life long process of becoming more and more like Jesus!

Want to know more?

Find out What We Believe.