Exhibiting the Power to Save (Part 2)

Part 34 - Luke 8:26-39 (ESV) - Pastor Tim Kroeker

Colossians 1:13-14:

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

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Perhaps you too watch those home renovation shows in which the celebrity couple takes a bargain basement house and transforms it into a beautiful home. Typically, the remodel runs into some sort of a snag. They peak behind the walls or under the floors only to discover significant structural damage. It’s going to cost more money and take more time than originally thought.

And so it is in our lives. There’s the stuff on the surface that you tend to the most and by which you’re often defined. But, there’s a whole lot more going on than what everyone else can see or than you might even be aware. In fact, there is a spiritual battle being waged for your very soul. You’re battling demons of which other people may never speak.

The theme woven throughout Luke's gospel is that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. But can he? Can we trust him to save us from even the deepest kinds of darkness? As we continue on in our salvation story this morning we’ll read the second of three episodes that demonstrate Jesus’ power to save. Jesus can be trusted to save because he dominated and defeated demons.


Kingdom Freedom


Exhibiting the Power to Save (Part 1)