Hearing And Heeding God’s Word

Part 32 - Luke 8:1-21 (ESV) - Pastor Tim Kroeker

Ephesians 6:19:

“(Pray) also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel.”

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If you’re a parent you know the feeling of being heard but not heeded. You shout down the stairs that lunch is ready. Your middle schooler who is currently engrossed in a video game replies, “Ok!” You wait patiently, but after a few minutes there is no sign that the message was truly received. As we continue on in our salvation story, we read that Jesus was going through Galilean cities and towns proclaiming the word of God. Many would hear but most would not heed the message. Jesus uses one of his most famous parables, the parable of the sower and the seed, to teach his disciples why they should pay attention to how they hear. Careful hearing results in greater understanding of God’s revealed word; but careless hearing, results in loss. Wrapped up in this account is the rejection of Jesus by the Jews and the upcoming mission to the Gentiles. Jesus' death and resurrection would usher in a new era of gospel proclamation, the establishment and expansion of his church. Jesus' true family is made up of those who hear and heed the word of God.


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